Promoting HR Benefits to Employees Year-round

Mar 03, 2022
Promote HR Benefits Year-Round

Companies spend big bucks on employee benefits—millions of dollars in many cases. Naturally, they want employees to understand the value of those benefits as part of their overall compensation. Yet many companies only communicate about benefits during open enrollment when employees are making decisions for the next year. Once a year isn’t enough if you not only want employees to value their benefits but also actually understand and use them to their advantage.

Year-round benefit communications should be part of every HR department’s annual planning. Talking about benefits January through December sends the message that benefits are a key way the company cares about employees. Plus, regular benefit reminders help eliminate common mistakes and help ensure benefits get used (or used properly).

A Quarterly Communications Plan

Some companies start with quarterly communications to highlight benefits and begin building awareness outside of open enrollment. For example, a quarterly calendar might focus on:


Timing Theme Content
Q1 Health & Wellness Tips about medical, prescription, dental and vision plans
Q2 Financial Wellness Reminders about retirement plan, life insurance and disability
Q3 Work-life Balance Reminders about time off, leaves, childcare benefits, etc
Q4 Open Enrollment Information about selecting benefits for the next year

A Monthly Communications Plan

Others like to communicate more frequently and set a monthly benefits communications plan. Below is a sample plan:


Financial wellness
Pharmacy benefits
Dental and vision
Employee Assistance Program
Preventive health
Education assistance/student loans
Disability and life insurance
Voluntary benefits
Medical benefits
Open enrollment
Family-friendly benefits
Benefit reminders for year ahead

A Personalized Communications Plan  

Some organizations use a more personalized communications plan during an employee’s first year. This approach gives regular touchpoints during the year as an employee gets acclimated and familiar with their benefits. 


Timing Content
Month 1 Welcome aboard (overview of benefits, how to enroll) 
Month 3 Retirement plan (including company contributions) and financial wellness resources 
Month 6 Family-friendly benefits and other work/life resources 
Month 9 How to get the most out of your benefits  
Month 12 Congrats on one-year of employment / Are you taking advantage of all we offer?  


All of these communications strategies help you make employee benefits a year-round conversation. If you’re ready to start planning, we can help. Simply reach out at to get started. 

Promoting HR Benefits to Employees Year-round


Benefit Communications Report: New Insights into What Works

Toolkit: Promoting Your Benefits Year-Round

Toolkit: Breaking the Stigma of Mental Health

New Program Communications Checklist

Communications Metric Checklist

Open Enrollment Debrief Worksheet