The Case for Facebook Business Suite 

Nov 16, 2021

This is the sixth installment of our ‘Building Your Digital Landscape’ series about the best practices you can use to construct a strong digital presence. If you’re catching up, you can check out our Digital Marketing Acronym Reference GuideHead into Header Tags for SEO, Find Five Truths for Your Social Space, Get Back to Basics at Social Media Bootcamp or Vertical Video: From Fringe to Featured.

Many brand managers access and manage their brand Facebook pages through their own personal accounts, but did you know that you could be using Business Suite instead?

In 2014, Facebook launched a product called Facebook Business Manager (now Business Suite) that is accessed at business.facebook. They also went through a process of deactivating accounts that they determined weren’t real people.

For example, if a school had a business page, the administrator may have managed that account under a “profile” with the name “Newberry School”: first name “Newberry” and last name “School.” When Facebook began clearing out accounts of this nature, people managing those accounts had to prove they were, in fact, real people before regaining access to their brand pages. (Insert flashbacks of sheer terror for those of us that learned this the hard way). 

Here’s a few reasons why you should leverage Facebook Business Suite:

Reason #1: Easy access of Facebook products in one place

Facebook Business Suite brings all of its products that a brand manager may use into one platform. Managing your brand across Facebook and Instagram in one platform and being able to respond to both inboxes at once (as well as easily switch between brands as needed) makes the platform a major win for most brand managers. Just as with its other products, Facebook Business Suite has its own mobile app that allows for seamless management between mobile and desktop

Reason #2: Easy to control access to brands on Facebook

Particularly for those organizations getting into digital advertising, Business Suite allows for ad creation, post boosts and easy metrics to keep track of your efforts (Return on Ad Spend) For smaller businesses looking to have help with their content and/or ads,Business Suite allows you to share access to ad accounts and pages with agencies or individuals who are assisting without jeopardizing ownership or control of the brand page.

Reason #3: Not losing your Facebook/brand page when you lose an employee

Speaking of ownership of brand pages and Business Suite, as our news stations speak about “The Great Resignation,” brands utilizing Facebook Business Suite with whom multiple users have access save themselves a great deal of hair-pulling should their main social media manager be among those resigning. Instead of a brand page being “owned” by a single individual, it is recognized as a business page that is managed by multiple parties.

Reason #4: Facebook rewards you with more tools, insights and ease

According to Facebook, utilizing Business Suite allows access to even more tools. You can find other Facebook tools and settings you might use to manage your business presence in the More Tools section of the Business Suite dashboard. You also have easy access to Ads Manager, Account Settings, Audiences, Billing, Commerce Manager, Business Settings, Events Manager and Page Settings.

Reason # 5: Using Facebook for smoother scheduling, content creation and customer service

Finally, if you aren’t utilizing a social media scheduler, Instagram scheduling is now included in Business Suite. If you’re a retailer, Messenger’s features to send products to a person and the anticipated Facebook Pay addition could level up your customer service. And don’t forget to check out Creator Studio and the tools within.

If you’re ruling in favor of using Facebook Business Suite, but you’re just not sure how to go about connecting it and the idea of reading through online tutorials isn’t appealing, connect with us. We’re happy to help get you started in whatever way would be most beneficial to you and your brand. 

The Case for Facebook Business Suite 


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